Sector:  Education

Brand type:  New Education Provider

Primary Client:  Leap Education

Trademark territories:  12

Trademark classes:  Total 1

Countries:  Select Europe, USA, select Central and South America

Languages:  15 languages

Validation types:  Localised Language, International Language, Trademark Identical, Google, URL

International Standards Implemented:  ISO 639-2 Language Codification


Leap Education called us following two recommendations. They needed a name for their new education company based around the principle of non-pedagogic, shared or inductive learning.


The lexical technical requirement was for a unique, non-descriptive, preferably Latin or Greek, word which embodied the ethos education through inductive learning, that is learning through example and shared discovery rather than instruction and individual learning. 

During a couple of runs through at the test name phase, we expanded the brand name type range to include abstract names (verbs, abstract nouns etc.) metaphors and identity names (in other words names of famous people) as the large number of unique Latin and Greek words were presenting problems of alienation and obscurity. The further options these new brand name types produced was supplemented by enticing suggestions from the client, especially in the metaphor range, and we moved on to the main naming phase.

A large number of this metaphor type, however, were revealed during Google checks to be already owned by entities within the education field. Owing to the distinctiveness of this type of name, which could not be satisfactorily extended grammatically or by descriptor, we decided to focus on abstract names with Latin/Greek roots, suitable for the largely Latin American market. Our Interlect program threw up a number of such words some of which, including Affinitas, were indicated as recognisable across a large number of languages, useful for company expansion possibilities. 

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