Co:Collective CASE STUDY



Sector:  Marine-based energy services / Business Support

Brand type:  Company

Primary Client:  Energy services entity

Trademark territories:  0

Trademark classes:  0

Countries:  Top 50 by the CIA Factbook GDP PPP (Purchasing Power Parity)

Languages:  76 language

Validation types:  Automate global negative linguistic checks


U.S. brand agency Co:Collective’s Jenn Tory contacted us late in November 2022 with a large prospective linguistic validation project for an energy services company looking to develop their alternative energy side of the business.


The project started early February 2023 and we were initially tasked with validating three names via our Electric Eel automated checking software in 118 languages. It isn’t always easy to find the minimum recommended ten names for linguistic validation in a large number of languages, especially late in a project.

When one of these three names was near matched with an Arabic word for ‘pain’ and exactly corresponded to a sexual reference in French, this word was exchanged for another. By substituting problem names at the automated stage, your chances of success at the localised linguists stage is strengthened.

We sent these three words to our seventy-six linguists in fifty countries. Within two weeks we had submitted our fifty-page, double summarized (executive and standard) results to Jenn. The results showed one word was recommended not to be progressed, one to be progressed only following further checks with second linguists in two languages. The third was recommended for progressing to the next stage.

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