Sector:  Tech / Employment / Business Support

Brand type:  Company

Primary client:  Leo Gestetner

Secondary client:  None

Trademark territories:  31

Trademark classes:  Total 4

Geographies:  Europe and the USA

Languages:  No localised language checks

Validation types:  International Language, Trademark Identical, Google, URL, Extended trademark and Google

International Standards Implemented:  Prior to ISO registration


Leo was looking for a dynamic, creative name and a clear .com for his newly merged contact management and associated business services company. The name also needed to have international reach. We were delighted to bring our unique and proprietary Interlect global dictionary into play, based on common recognisability to set criteria in at least five European languages. Owing to the historical development of these languages, this means a truly geographically global reach for much of the contents.


We initially investigated many names with an internationally recognisable root and a strong creative element such as CONTACCO and RAPIDAT. We were in the right area but a second round was called for. Here, we looked at more dynamism, greater impact and, where possible, shorter words. Between ZECTIV (connections and executive) and ZENVOY (zen ‘equanimity’ and envoy ‘travelling representative’) the meaning of ZENVOY was considered the most distinctive and impactful. Also useful zen, as a reference to ‘the peace of mind’ acquired through the use of the client’s company, had global reach and envoy is recognisable through the French word envoyé with the same meaning and also useful in that language triggering envoyer ‘to send’. Automated linguistic checks in 100 languages brought up no significant negatives.

The extended checks in which we broke ZENVOY down into many variants showed a clear enough route through to registration to enable Leo to progress to launch. 

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