Brand Antelliq

Sector:  Tech / Life Sciences / Environmental

Brand type:  Product

Primary Client:  Allflex

Secondary Client:  Superunion

Trademark territories:  40

Trademark classes:  Total 6

Geographies Select Europe, Africa, Americas, Oceania, Far East and China

Languages:  26 languages

Validation types:  Localized Language, International Language, Trademark Identical, Trademark, Extended, Google, URL

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Brand:  BeliEV

Sector:  Renewable energy, automobile charging point

Brand type:  Company and product

Primary client:  Liberty Charge

Secondary client:  None

Trademark territories:  29 jurisdictions

Trademark classes:  Total 7 (trademark checks)

Geographies:  Europe and Turkey

Languages:  29 languages

Validation types:  Trademarks, Google, URL, Extended Google and trademark

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Sector:  Marine-based energy services / Business Support

Brand type:  Company

Primary Client:  Energy services entity

Trademark territories:  0

Trademark classes:  0

Countries:   Top 50 by the CIA Factbook GDP PPP

(Purchasing Power Parity)

Languages:   76 language

Validation types:  Automated global negative linguistic checks

Localized linguistic checks

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Brand Osprey

Sector:  Electric Vehicles, EV Charging Points

Brand type:  Company and Product

Primary client:  (Engenie→) Osprey

Trademark territories:  1

Trademark classes:  Total 4

Countries:  UK

Languages:  1

Validation types:  Automated negative language checks in 110 languages, Trademark Identical, Trademark clearance

Further legal work:  Trademark registration

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We combine unrivalled experience with proprietary tools for name analysis, creation and validation for a growing number of clients who offer Business Support services.

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