WINNERS of the Specialist Branding Agency of the Year! Global Awards 2022/23. Read more.
Renewable energy / Automobile charging point
Brand type: Company and product
Primary Client: Liberty Charge
Trademark territories: 29 jurisdiction
Trademark classes: Total 7 (trademark checks)
Countries: Europe and Turkey
Languages: 29 languages
Validation types:
Trademarks, Google, URL and Extended Google and trademark
Late in 2021 Tom Golland of awards record-breaking agency Gravity Global came to us with a brief to name one of the first EV charging point networks designed for municipal, on-street and car park access for the UK and Europe. High environmental end-benefit systems being our favourite topics for naming, we were delighted when our proposal was accepted.
The requirement for a name that has market-wide legal and linguistic acceptance in twenty nine European countries and conformity with the requirements of a brief in a new area of technology is not always a straightforward matter of presentation and selection. New technologies tend to require names which in some part describe the product so as to make it more accessible to the market. The preponderance of descriptive and semi-descriptive names in the EV charger sub-sector, like Ohme, Ubitricity, Instavolt and GridServe, is a case in point. Representatives from the leading European markets on the name review team will also have a view on this difficult area of name type as well as the acceptability of otherwise non-negative English language names which was the target language here. An accommodating client can turn this potentially tricky area of name acceptance into something a lot more manageable.
Therefore, within three weeks spanning Christmas and New Year we had nailed down some popular options covering a range of different name types. However, as so often happens, it wasn’t until a specific language focus was called via an exhaustive list of contextually focussed EV embedded word options, sub-programmed from our Argo software, that a result seemed imminent. Worryingly, though, many potential names were subsequently eliminated one by one following linguistic, trademark and Google validation that ethos-engendering, heart-warming BeliEV emerged as the leading candidate. Two other names came into the final validation round whereby names are deconstructed into hundreds of spelling and pronunciation variants and put through trademark and Google checks. BeliEV survived enabling its dedicated use to benefit not just the millions of town and city-dwelling customers but also the transition to the greener economy and future many of us crave.
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