WINNERS of the Specialist Branding Agency of the Year! Global Awards 2022/23. Read more.
Brand type: Product and Service
Primary Client: Brand Union
Secondary client: NatWest
Geographies: Global
Languages: 24 languages
Validation types: Localized Language, International phonetics
International Standards Implemented: Prior to ISO registration
World-renowned online multi-currency payment system World Pay has undergone several changes in ownership and considerable technical generation-building since its inception at the hands of 1997 creator Nick Ogden in partnership with NatWest and Andrew Birch of Symbiant responsible for the end-user gateway experience.
When in 2002 an early phase Appella was asked by the avuncular Tom Golland, now of award-winning branding agency Gravity, to conduct accelerated linguistic checks in a raft of global languages, we were pleased to be able to help. At this time RBS, having just acquired NatWest, were expanding WorldPay from a product with select international reach into the global electronic funds transfer system it is today.
In addition to the non-negative reading of the name in all global languages of the financial world, important also was how it would transliterate into Arabic whose consonant + vowel phonological structure did not easily accommodate multi-consonantal morphology such as in WORLD’s -RLD. The outcome was acceptable.
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