

Sector:  Animal welfare/tracking

Brand type:  Product

Primary Client:  Allflex

Secondary Client:  Superunion

Trademark territories:  40

Trademark classes:  Total 6

Geographies Select Europe, Africa, Americas, Oceania, Far East and China

Languages:  26 languages

Validation types:  Localized Language, International Language, Trademark Identical, Trademark, Extended, Google, URL

International Standards Implemented:  ISO 9001 Quality management and process implementation (Appella Ltd) and ISO 639-2 Language codification


Towards the end of Summer 2017, James Saunders of Superunion called us with the challenge to create a name for Allflex livestock intelligence, a name which resonated clearly and effectively In the area of animal monitoring, especially in this instance remote monitoring of herds and flocks. 


The name here required a clear, unsuffixed, dot com and a clear road to trademark registrability.

After one round of naming and validation we had arrived at a number of favourites. Candidates included ROVINTEL and ACCORDIA. We conducted secondary checks in a broader sweep of languages and trademark jurisdictions once a shortlist had been agreed upon.

After some internal discussions, the client favoured ANTELLIX, derived from
animal + intelligence, and turned the IX into an IQ for intelligence.

We carried out our Extended Validation on a final group of four names, amongst which ACCORDIA and INTELLIQ, in 40 trademarks territories and in Google. INTELLIQ came back with the least compromising list of linguistic neighbouring names.

In 2019, Antelliq was bought by the world leading life sciences Merck group.



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