Sector:  Electric Vehicles, EV Charging Points

Brand type:  Company and Product

Primary client:  (Engenie→) Osprey

Trademark territories:  1

Trademark classes:  Total 4

Countries:  UK

Languages:  1

Validation types:  Automated negative language checks in 110 languages, Trademark Identical, Trademark clearance

Further legal work: Trademark registration


Engenie are a highly successful rapid electric vehicle (EV) charging network, currently and over the coming months significantly expanding their network across the country. However, by late 2019 they realised that they were becoming increasingly confused with other brands in EV charging, notably GeniePoint and Engie. The result was an encroachment onto their market space as well as having to field multiple telephone calls weekly from confused customers. 
In 2019 Engenie also received significant investment, which enabled them not only to build out their network of chargers but also to make the changes necessary to carve out a large new brand and market space in this developing market. 

We were tasked to look for names over a range of name types, but the one which resonated most and most evidently broke into that new market space was the figurative name. The figurative name is one which uses the target metaphor, here an osprey, as a vehicle onto which the company or product brand can load their own rationale and brand communications. The shape, scale, dimensions, colour, activity state, biology, ethics and other characteristics of the target metaphor or figure can all be used in the brand communication. So, the ethics of the osprey as a rare, beautiful and endangered bird of prey match the ethics and rationale for using electric vehicles. By avoiding oil or gas as a fuel, EV’s contribute to the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions which make many areas untenable for wildlife. The quality of ospreys as fast and agile birds, similarly matches the rapid charging facility the charging points offer along with the quick and simple payment options. 

This mapping of brand criteria onto the coordinates of the target metaphor, coupled with the scale of the mental image of the thing, here the osprey, creates a resonance in the mental lexicon greater than any other brand name type, hence its success and popularity as a brand name type. 

Such attributes of the osprey make it a popular choice as a brand. Consequently, we found OSPREY already in use and registered by a variety of independent businesses as their trade mark for a wide range of goods and services within the UK (the client’s target market). Legal validation was correspondingly complex, with multiple prior rights requiring careful consideration. We worked closely with the client to develop a cost effective strategy for securing ownership of the brand through phased use and registration of the OSPREY mark together with its newly designed visual identity.

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