

Sectors:  Tech / Business Support / Financial

Brand type:  Company

Primary Client:  Adam Blake, USA

Trademark territories:  1 jurisdiction

Trademark classes:  Total 6

Countries:  1 country

Languages:  2 languages

Validation types:  Localised Language, International Language, Trademark Identical, Google, URL
International Standards Implemented:  ISO 9001 Quality management and process implementation (Appella Ltd) and ISO 639-2 Language codification


October 2017 and Adam had just launched his fledgling home automation business. He wanted to move from his current name, Casa IQ, after noticing similarities with other home automation companies using a similar name.


We focussed on the key brand and contextual pillars of simplification, personal control and homes. The name was to operate in the US only but still therefore had to work in Spanish and American English.

Other options we looked at included Preside and Trovo. Adam decided on Zego for its simplicity, its meaning of Z an indirect ‘cyber’ reference and ego the ‘I’ who is in control.

Just over three years later, in May 2021, Zego IoT (www.gozego.com), with more than 350 employees, was acquired by Global Payments Inc. adding home automation and a major brand identity to the Global Payments financial operation. A core feature of Zego’s business model being managing rental payments to landlords, this was a natural union and underscores the versatility of this brand name.

The Zego platform (with subrands Zego Pay, Zego Smart, Zego Utility and Zego Mobile Doorman) now serves more than 6,000 residential real estate companies and over 12 million units nationwide in the USA.

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